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Youngs Solicitors Review: We have zero hesitation in recommending that you ignore such comments. It's the same firm. So what key points stood out about the Young's setup? class="infoquote "Our team consists of The Law Society accredited specialist Family law solicitors, Care solicitors, Crimina...

Woodstock Legal Services Review: With three words 'woodstock', 'legal' and 'services' there an many variables possible but all we checked such as were not active. But please read on and see if you would agree. Whilst there is a definite 'perfect professional' curve between exp...

ULA Solicitors Ltd Review: Make sure you keep aware of the site you're on and never discuss payment details in emails . The official name is ULA Solicitors Ltd and if you see any mentions of Ullah Law Associates (U.L.A.) - that was the name of the firm prior to 2018. A quick note on navigation. ...

Trust Inheritance Ltd Review: Another thing that should be mentioned though is the level of alternate and individual services Trust Inheritance Ltd provide from their site. Certainly when we tried various search phrases several related companies showed up in the results including Inheritance Legal Servic...

Trojan Solicitors Ltd Review: Sadly, many firms in the legal industry still chase the most tenuous links possible to local history to make these 'established in ...' claims as if they mean something. There is a firm called 'trojan law ltd' also based in London, however we saw no apparent website fo...

Stephanie Heijdra Review: class="infoquote "She went on to study for a Degree in Business Management at BPP University London in aid of her thriving immigration practice Winvolved Consultancy Ltd."< div> So far the obvious indication is Stephanie is both well educated and entrepreneuri...

Thaxted Legal Ltd Review: Sadly the government body doesn't even provide a good advisor search function and when trying to look up a firm there is a mountain of reading involved just to find the link to take you to the page that takes you to the link that takes you to the search box etc. So how do T...

Smith and Graham Solicitors Review: If you https: office 20313 smith-graham" check out the page< a> for this firm you'll see a range of qualification dates spanning the past five decades. There is no ampersand in domain names so www.smith& can't exist and currently n...

Taylor Price Solicitors Review: Another was a finalist for Best Professional in Business at the https: news 17695705.8th-english-asian-business-awards-come-manchester " Asian Business Awards< a>. Although if you're anything like us, the main interest is usually the negative comments...

Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: Since the 90s the government has gutted the Legal Aid system reducing the number of people that can use it, the number of case types it will cover, and the amount of money a solicitor can earn from it. People seeking help with divorce will tell people to 'AVOID!!' a Criminal...

Summerfield Browne Solicitors Review: The public reviews themselves are sometimes not very helpful either. For many the term 'Solicitor' still brings up the image of an old building in the centre of town and old men in old dusty wigs. Plus, errors in the web bar may take you to a totally different s...

Stowe Family Law Review: The official firm name actually does have those generic industry terms of 'family law' in it, but search engines seem to return the correct firm without them e.g. < p> align="center images l stowe_family_law-stowefamilylaw_co_uk.png Stenfield Solicitors Review: There are dozens including those at the national, county and city level. class="infoquote "Our key objective is to provide solid, reliable and cost effective legal advice delivered in an efficient and friendly manner."< div> Every firm makes a claim like this quot...

Springle & Co Solicitors Review: The first port of call we usually recommend to help start telling them apart is The Law Society in your area. Springle & Co. you get the picture. For example, it states Claire Springle qualified as a solicitor in 2001 so that's at least two decades of possible experience. R...

Simper Law Ltd Review: (Something companies tend not to include in their own testimonial section!) Negative reviews can be a great way to spot general themes of complaint. class="infoquote "our practice has quickly gained a good reputation within the legal world"< div> In most industrie...

Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors Review: Normally you will be asked to sign an insurance document to cover the costs of your case. It boggles the mind. In fact the review on Yelp wasn't even about the correct firm, but the link to it still popped up in the top search results when searching for reviews about them. ...

Richmond Legal Ltd Review: A last word from the company's site: class="infoquote "Our litigation team has the wealth of experience in dealing with all types of litigation matters, whether these are civil or commercial"< div>. A quick note on navigation though as when we tried searching for...

Rose Fendlen Law Review: Employment Law ... Another resource to help with this is one we frequently recommend in our articles - The Law Society of England & Wales' website. At the time of writing, any variation such as 'lrose solicitors' or 'rose fendlen solicitors' still brings up the corre...

Pacific Law Review: However, to state 'pay no attention to this reviewer, they are just a sore loser' has never felt like something they could pull off and look good doing. 0800 numbers should now be free from every mobile service provider in the UK. class="infoquote "We listen ... ...

OneLaw Chambers Review: class="infoquote "outcome was successful and the solicitor Aejaz Mussa I dealt with was helpful, honest and a subject matter expert" "Very professional, very reliable." "I'm happy with the work, process, service, progress and the result." "explained the...

My Law Matters Review: Of course, even when firms do this they typically only copy the positive reviews to paste on their own website. It can therefore be a good idea not to type important web addresses into the browser bar incase you make a mistake and succumb to a https: report-su...

Milners Solicitors Review: not trying to jack-of-all-trades things. We’re flexible and approachable, tailoring your case to your individual needs."< div> That's a quote from the Milners' Law website. Now, through Milners, you can get your hands on all this legal expertise for a sensible price."< ...

Michael Leighton Jones Review: 'living in the past', 'unfriendly', and 'inefficient'). Some firms even make statements such as 'established in 1881' as if that will make people think they are better than a firm started up in 2020. Scammers email clients saying they are the solicitor and telling them the b...

Mckie Legal Review: But when it comes to solicitors, no reviews should not be taken as a negative sign. The second means no fees whether case your case loses OR wins. However the concept of the local solicitors office has become something of an almost quaint, nostalgic notion these days when A...

Mackenzie Jones Solicitor Review: A team of seasoned heads but with fresh legs is surely the best grouping you could hope for in an industry that is also struggling to balance between the old and new. So what are people saying: class="infoquote "Any questions they replied efficiently and explained w...

Lefevres Law Review: That can make it hard to distinguish the parts that stand out or things that might be uniquely good about a certain firm . It's still very much a specialty though. The obvious inference being that the older the company, the more experience they must have. You can end up hir...

KRS Estate Planning Ltd Review: As you would expect, all testimonials that companies post on their site are always 100% positive. The official site which we link to above is with not redirecting there. The quote above is from the website of KRS Estate Planning and we absolut...

Khan Law Review: Read the actual comments. That's because we've seen law firms with five star reviews for their dog-friendly restaurant and others being criticised for simply being a law firm. Some review forums had zero negative comments . But you also get firms that cover a huge range of ...

JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd Review: No win, no fee means there are no fees should your case lose. Only a few decades ago people were pretty much restricted to using their local high street solicitor for everything from Divorce, to Injury Claims, Will Making, and even selling their House. class="inf...

The Legal Practice Ltd Review: If someone calls saying they are from your solicitor's office and you don't recognise the person - never feel uncomfortable about saying you're going to hang up and ring them back on the official phone number you have. Also be aware that if a firm has more than one office th...

Jacobs Law Solicitors Review: However Jacobs has already provided this information on the website. We know what we do best ..."< div> Coming back to similar names, this also means if you want to see reviews of the firm you need to be very careful what terms you use. class="infoquote "worked t...

HooperHyde Review: Sometimes you do. We've known firms with decades of good, reputable history in their area with less than a handful of reviews on the web. But others may state something like 'over ten years of experience within the firm' - which could mean five staff members with just two...

Hill House Chambers Review: Always take care on the internet as many legal matters are now being targeted by scammers due to the large amounts of money available. If you weren't aware - we are now quite far from the 'old days' of a high street solicitor's office where you have to go for anything lega...

Hawkridge & Company Review: However for this you are usually able to check this independently and get a good insight into the overall experience a firm may have. This firm is signed to The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because https: office 473274 hawkri...

Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents Review: "excuse after excuse blaming my own solicitor" . If a firm says 'we've been helping people for over thirty years' that seems very clear . If you've read through some of our other review articles you'll probably have noticed that we praise the good amount of publicly availa...

Frazer Coogans Ltd Review: For example on the one of their most recently qualified members is Anoop who started with the firm back in 2013 as a legal assistant. Since the 90s the government has been stripping Legal Aid ...

Fair Result Ltd Review: This gives you our undivided attention."< div>. Sometimes a barrister without the solicitor middle-man can save considerable time and money in a motor offence case. Again that sounds like it means something but if that firm's office has a bright pink upward sliding door pa...

Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd Review: But it's really not a negative sign if a law firm you're looking up has few or even zero online comments about them. A good mix of seasoned pros and fresh blood within any company must surely be a good thing. Make sure to read comments when it comes to law firms though, no...

DV Solicitors Review: We try to offer varied legal service options across a wide range of case types. There are titles such as 'How Brexit is going to Affect the Immigration Policies for the UK (2021)', 'Cryptocurrency and Wills', and 'How to Video-Witness a Will'. For example they have s... Review: In fact, solicitors themselves https: latest-news solicitor-sanctioned-for-dealing-with-unregulated-cmcs" can be fined and even stricken off< a> for dealing with unregulated claims management companies. Unless the law firm you're looking at states b...

David Stinson & Co Review: They are therefore obviously going to be very positive and sadly they rarely contain much helpful information about what the actual good points of the firm are. However for smaller more simple cases such as a two week whiplash injury as a passenger in a car accident - we wou...

Cooks Solicitors Review: The largest conveyancy provider in the UK has over 1500 reviews on Google and a star rating of just over two stars. But if you would like to look up the individual experience and expertise of a solicitor within any firm, you can often get the information at the local l...

CEL Solicitors Review: You can also search a specific site by typing site: before the domain name. We've seen someone leave a negative review about a Criminal Law firm for refusing to take on their Divorce. Certainly CEL Solicitors have a wide range of positive reviews : class="infoquote "t...

Catteralls Solicitors Review: Whilst getting on with your solicitor and feeling like they genuinely care about you will often be the ultimate final deal breaker, there is a lot of research you can perform to narrow down the number of firms you end up calling to begin with. The brand seems to be qu...

QualitySolicitors Burton & Co Review: We've always said that you can end up with a 1-year-experienced lawyer from a 200-year-old firm the same as you can get a forty-year-experience expert from a 1-year-old firm. To be on the safe side though, make sure to bookmark the current site in case you want to co...

Brown and Co Solicitors Review: It's clear someone didn't do that because one of the law firm's reviews states 5 stars and: class="infoquote "really upped it's game on the food recently"< div> The geniune reviews on the firm's legal services seem very positive. 'brown and co solicitors london'...

Bridge McFarland LLP Review: That means if you see a firm claiming a wealth of experience, you can check. 8 staff x 5 years experience = 40). class="infoquote "The firm ... That's a good mix of seasoned heads with fresh eyes . Photos of people in suits smiling and shaking hands with bits ...

Branch Austin McCormick LLP Review: But if a firm claims to handle a wide range of case types and then has individual solicitors handling each specific type of case - then claiming to be 'specialists' seems perfectly fair. There were also several comments about how fast the process had been whether for a ...

BLZ Solicitors Review: So unfortunately, this phrase has become quite meaningless in relation to indicating what the firm does differently. A last sales-pitchy statement from the firm's site: class="infoquote "We are a friendly, approachable and professional firm that provides quality legal ...

Bilkus & Boyle Review: However the whole ancient-history-boasting across the legal industry is really just a marketing ploy to make a firm seem as though it has a huge amount of experience which it may not. Whilst the firm's name is unique there are obviously quite a few possible typos. The forty...

Bell Lax Solicitors Review: class="infoquote "we offer, no win, no fee for all types of Accident & Injury Claims and Medical Negligence claims"< div> Whilst Bell Lax Solicitors makes a claim to have pioneered some of the great strides made in no win, no fee-ing - certainly this is now the...

Beers LLP Review: Very positive with many of them quoting and praising the staff member involved by name. Whilst most of the time people may think of specialist firms as handling only one area of law such as Criminal or Divorce matters - these days it is very common for a firm to cover a wi...

Argue & Co Legal Review: class="infoquote "We offer a FREE initial consultation"< div> Again, free consultations are something we would absolutely expect any law firm to offer these days for these types of cases. Having to relay details of your accident and injuries to a more-secretarial...

Antony Hodari Solicitors Review: There are several others within that range creating a good mix of seasoned experts partnered with fresh legs. One we saw last week was particularly odd because the complaint was about a criminal law firm that refused to handle a 'simple injury claim!'. If you check on...

ABS Lawyers Ltd Review: So always make sure you're on the correct site and never discuss payments or bank details via email . They really actively target and can properly communicate with (and therefore surely better represent) Polish speaking claimants. class="infoquote "We are also able t...

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