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Cohen & Winters, PLLC Info:

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New WindowCohen & Winters, PLLC Concord

Cohen & Winters, PLLC - Concord

Cohen & Winters aim to help good people with their legal problems. They have expertise and experience in personal injury matters, family law, criminal defense, and estate planning services. Their modern approach and proprietary client management system allows the firm to serve clients more effectively and efficiently. They offer free initial consultations from their New Hampshire offices in Concord, Manchester & Exeter.

Office Address: 64 North State Street, Concord, New Hampshire, 03301
Web Address: Link removed. Click to see other lawyers in the area.
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New WindowCohen & Winters, PLLC Manchester

Cohen & Winters, PLLC - Manchester

Cohen & Winters aim to help good people with their legal problems. They have expertise and experience in personal injury matters, family law, criminal defense, and estate planning services. Their modern approach and proprietary client management system allows the firm to serve clients more effectively and efficiently. They offer free initial consultations from their New Hampshire offices in Concord, Manchester & Exeter.

Office Address: 102 Bay St #2, Manchester, New Hampshire, 03104
Web Address: Link removed. Click to see other lawyers in the area.
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Cohen & Winters, PLLC - Law Firm in Concord, Manchester & Exeter New Hampshire: Review

We've reviewed hundreds of law firms and legal professionals over the past 20 years. Some we end up working with but that should never be taken as a sign of bias in our writing. It means we were impressed enough to strike up a business relationship ourselves. These articles often explain why which can be very helpful in your own personal research.

"New Hampshire lawyers and professionals devoted to their mission of high quality legal work"

For example this sentence above found on Cohen & Winters' website is typical of those you've probably seen across dozens of other legal practices you've flicked through today looking for legal help. Most will make claims such as 'experienced', 'modern', 'high quality', and so on. That sounds great until you realise that no firm is ever going to claim to be 'inexperienced', 'antiquated', or 'low quality'. Which means those sorts of statements, whilst sounding good, don't help potential clients differentiate between firms at all. So what does mean something?

"Jonathan and Andrew both started practicing as as public defenders in 1999, where they each defended hundreds of criminal cases ..."


Little bits of background history like this are often a very good sign. If a firm's website is simply full of sales-pitches about how great they are or how great they are going to be for you - that doesn't strike nearly as well as firms that tell you about their past. Because it means they actually have a past which can mean good, varied experiences. It's clear to us that a defence attorney who has fought at the public defender level will have much more insight into people, costs, and court workings than one who has not.

"Cohen & Winters, PLLC concentrate in areas of personal injury, divorce & family law matters, DUI & criminal defense and estate planning."

These types of sentences can often be confusing and we think lawyers should really word them better. It does sound quite odd to say your firm is a 'specialist' or 'concentrates' on a huge list of different case types. How can that be? Typically this means they have individual lawyers within the firm that focus on these areas of law, rather than every lawyer trying to handle every case type.

The main thing to watch out for is if the firm has only one or two lawyers yet lists dozens of different case types handled because they surely can't genuinely be experts in all of them. But if a firm has several lawyers and states a list of several case focuses - that usually translates into a group of various experts. Don't be afraid to ask which is which when you call. But it's often self-evident when you call to say you need help with a criminal case, and they reply 'okay, I will pass you to X as they handle those cases'.

"The entire focus of the Cohen & Winters team is helping good people who find the need for legal help, often for the first and only time in their lives."

Most firms will have statements about how much they care about clients or how much their clients love their services. The main way people check out these claims are usually through public review boards such as Google, Facebook, Trustpilot, Yell, etc. Many legal practitioners provide customer testimonials on their own website. Cohen & Winters, PLLC are no different:

"they were professional, friendly and personable" "They kept me posted on everything and made it very simple for me" "They are accountable, supportive, caring, and passionate"

However, we ran a poll a couple of years back in which only 8% of you indicated that you trusted testimonials provided by the business themselves. So are the independent review forums just as nice about this firm?

"Very communicative, professional - and incredibly strategic" "took the time to learn about my case, my history, and me" "Was generous with his time"

The public reviews tend to focus on very different aspects of the firm but are still very positive. This brings us to a quick note on navigation as the firm has more than one office:

"With offices in Concord NH, Manchester NH & Exeter NH."

These days on many review forums you need to type in the full name AND location to see the correct reviews. For example, 'cohen and winters exeter' brings up a totally different batch of reviews than 'cohen and winters concord'. So you can search for reviews on just the office you will be using, or try to get a larger overview of the firm by going through all their office comments.

Just make sure to read through the actual comments and not just stare at star ratings. Not everyone clicks the correct buttons or for the correct firm. In the past when checking through other company reviews we've seen 1 star ratings next to highly praising comments and 5 star ratings for services the firm clearly didn't offer.

The firm's official site is www.cohenwinters.com without the 'and'. Please note that ampersands are not allowed in web addresses so www.cohen&winters.com can not display a website and will often return search results depending on your browser settings. The same for www.cohenandwinters.com as there is no site there at the moment either. This may cause accidental clicks on the wrong site if the search engine has allowed adverts under the error name. So just be careful and it's sometimes a good idea to bookmark a site if you intend to come back to it a lot. The Cohen and Winters website is https protected though for submitting your personal details via their contact form.

General Notes: We don't look into any firm's recruitment program so can't comment on job vacancies or about working there. Changes may have occured since this article was written so please visit the firm's www.cohenwinters.com website for the most up to date opening hours, office address, phone number, email address, and other information.

Cohen and Winters

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» www.newyorkdivorceattorney.com - Third are law offices that simply specialise in one area of law /b ...
» www.judithmeyer.com - But to be honest we can only agree with the sentiment that mediation is probably better than going through court for anyone ...
» www.cllegal.com - the official web address is www ...
» www.webblawgroup.com - The firm's focus has earned it a reputation as one of the top law firms in the region ...
» www.fontananapolitano.com - The site worked fine on our mobile devices and was HTTPS secure for submitting personal details via the online form ...
» www.djolaw.com - We also absolutely recommend /b reading reviews rather than just flicking through star ratings if you do go that way ...
» www.srlitigation.com - However ...
» www.dursolaw.com - The official site is www ...
» www.macomblawyers.com - The firm's branding is 'Garton & Vogt' but web address cannot have ampersands in them ...
» www.principallawgroup.com - But there is no extra information relating to lawsuits ...
» www.fiolinjurylaw.com - Each practice area is linked to a more detailed page /b that provides additional information about the firm's experience and success in each area ...
» www.njcounsel.com - The firm offers a free initial consultation to clients ...
» www.ifightforyourrights.com - div class="infoquote" "The firm is filled with passionate litigators who primarily handle False Claims Act litigation ...

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