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Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC Info:

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Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC - Birmingham

Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC offer expert advice on Business, Real Estate and Commercial matters. They aim to deliver cost-effective services with tangible results. Every client is treated as valuable with firm-wide attention and access to senior partners. Each brings a wealth of experience to the collaboration in order to provide the best outcome for you.

Office Address: 370 E Maple Road, Third Floor, Birmingham, Michigan, 48009
Web Address: https://www.lippittokeefe.com
Email Address: bokeefe@lippittokeefe.com
Phone Number: 248-646-8292

Lippitt O'Keefe on YouTube

Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC Law Firm - Attorneys in Birmingham, Michigan: Review

Hiring an attorney in Michigan can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, attorneys have legal experience and knowledge of specifics under Michigan law that can be invaluable. The law is complex and constantly evolving, which can make it difficult for individuals to navigate any eventual legal disputes on their own. By hiring an attorney, individuals don't just lower the chances of future disputes being required (thus having to hire an attorney anyway) it can also ensure your legal rights and interests are fully protected.

"Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC, is dedicated to excellence in legal advocacy."

But if you do decide to use a lawyer, how do you know which law firm is best for you? The quote above from the website of law firm Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC sounds great. But if you've flicked through a dozen other legal professional websites today you'll have seen every single one of them make a similar sales pitch. If all the firms tell you they are the best displaying similar tag lines, claims, and even similar images of people smiling and shaking hands - what can you do to see the differences between them?

"Access to senior partners, firm-wide attention to delivering cost-effective legal services and a promise to give every client valuable, tangible results sets us apart."


There are some statements on lawyer websites where you have to read between the lines or have a bit of 'marketing jargon savvy'. For example this one quoted above where it states you will have 'access to senior partners' might sound odd since you would expect the best lawyers in the firm to work on your case full time. But that is not always so. In many firms the actual grunt-work as it's so often negatively called ends up being performed by junior staff. Many clients can go their entire case without speaking a word to the senior attorney who is signing off on everything. (We've found they definitely speak to clients at the end of the case though in order to get the praise and thanks!) So don't pass by a sentence like the one above simply because you assume every firm works the same way. The same goes for any firm offering a free consultation. Not all do.

"Selecting the right attorney to help you efficiently and successfully navigate complex legal matters is the first step to winning."

Lippitt O'Keefe has a comprehensive staff profile section with extensive information supplied on each attorney within the firm including background, experience, accreditations, awards, and so on. This includes the titular lawyers Norman L. Lippitt and Brian D. O'Keefe. The internet can be very faceless sometimes, so putting a face and description to the people you're thinking of hiring is hugely important in our opinion. While many law offices are coming around to this awareness, not all are putting up useful information. We've seen some firms who perhaps think lawyers need to be made to sound more like 'regular people'? Such as listing their hobbies, pets, and favourite foods. We think a firm stating the years of experience and expertise of each lawyer is better.

"We collaborate across all aspects of our representation, allowing our clients to benefit from the wide range of experience and skills our attorneys possess."

The firm also has an absolutely massive selection of help articles and news announcements in relation to legal matters in Michigan and the US as a whole. Titles including 'Employers Need To Be Careful When Served With Garnishments', 'Financing Options for Start-Ups' and Just how flexible is a Limited Company?'. You may see many firms with a 'Blog' section, but it is sometimes filled with a few dozen thinly-veiled press releases that talk more about how great the company is. Any firm that provides case studies on their site also stands out for us. Such free resources are a wonderful insight into what stands up as a case and the basic flow of it. They can give re-assurance to someone unsure about pursuing a legal matter.

"Endless knowledge and attention to detail"
"i better keep them on my speed dial"
"counsel is ahead of the curve"
"I've never felt so confident moving forward"

The main thing people rush to when it comes to any service provider are the public reviews. The snippets above are from the most popular forums such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc. They are obviously very positive. However when it comes to law firms there are a few things to keep in mind. For example although people will happily jump online to discuss the pizza they just had - they are far less likely to post a review for their messy divorce, bankruptcy, or criminal charges. No matter how well their lawyer did. This means that the percentage of people leaving negative reviews will be much higher. So always read the actual comments to ensure you are getting a full picture of the firm.

"Our firm specializes in the core areas of Commercial Litigation, Business and Real Estate Law and Transactions and Family Law."

Attorneys can help individuals understand their legal options and provide advice on the best course of action to take. Additionally, attorneys can then go on to represent individuals in legal disputes, such as in court or during negotiations with other parties. This can be particularly important in cases where emotions are high or where the stakes are significant, such as in real estate matters or business disputes. Remember that you don't have to sign with any lawyer you speak to. Many will offer anything from 15-60 mins free consultation to discuss your case and let you know the options and possible risks involved. So before you decide whether to go ahead with your case or even to use a lawyer at all, it might be an idea to talk to a few willing to do so for free initially in order to get a wider understanding of your situation.

A quick note on navigation as we've seen both names, 'Lippitt' and 'OKeefe', mis-spelled in the searches. The firm's branding is solid with the website at www.lippittokeefe.com and it is https secure. Always check your browser security when you're on a website before submitting your personal details on any contact/callback form. We only saw one reference to a possibly old name 'lippitt o'keefe gornbein', otherwise the name is very unique so shouldn't be difficult to find even with mis-spellings. This firm has the one office address but it's becoming more common on Google these days to have to enter the location of the firm as well as the name in order to get reviews to show up - e.g. 'lippitt o'keefe birmingham mi'. It's important to keep safe on the web and make sure you know who's site you're on.

"[Our] tradition of teamwork allows us to successfully navigate the intricacies of our legal system and achieve sophisticated, pragmatic solutions for our clients."

General Notes: We don't look into any firm's recruitment program so can't comment on job vacancies or about working there. Changes may have occured since this article was written so please visit the firm's www.lippittokeefe.com website for the most up to date opening hours, office address, phone number, email address, and other information.

Lippitt O'Keefe

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