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WDK Law Personal Injury Attorneys in Peabody & Lynn, Greater Boston MA: Review
There are tens of thousands of Personal Injury lawyers across the US. The majority of which have a website and the majority of those will have similar sounding text on those web pages and similar images of people smiling and shaking hands. How can you tell the difference? What sorts of sentences tell you more about the law firm than you might think?
That quote is from WDK Law based in Peabody, MA. The statement sounds good and many firms will use other great words as well like 'modern', 'efficient', 'experienced', and 'friendly'. But although they sound good, they don't really help you separate the firms from each other. For example you're never going to see a law office saying they are 'outdated', 'inefficient', 'inexperience', and 'unfriendly'.

Statements like this can certainly help tell a more experienced firm from another. Typically an inexperienced firm will not make claims about how many years they have been in practice. Watch out for clever wording though. For example some firms may state they have '10 years experience within the firm' or '10 years combined experience'. This means they've simply added up the years all staff have been working. So that could be 5 staff each with only 2 years of experience.
Normally the first point of call for consumers when checking up on any firm is the public review boards. That's also the best place to verify any claims a law firm makes about how well they deal with clients. As there will normally be themes of praise (e.g. if they are good communicators) or themes of criticism (e.g. if alot of people mention slow callbacks).
Many lawyers create testimonial pages on their website. But according to our poll a few years back, only 8% of you put any stock in the handpicked company provided testimonials. There are many independent boards to try such as Google, Trustpilot, and Facebook.
"super attentive from the first moment, super professional, he won the case"
"communication between him and myself was excellent"
"one of those people that can take an unfortunate scenario, and weave it into a compelling story"
These above are a few snippets from some of those. The comments we saw were mainly positive and most praised attorney William D Keefe by name. WDK Law has another office in Lynn, Massachusetts so please be aware when searching for reviews on Google that you may need to enter the location as well. It's likely that 'wdk law lynn' will start to bring up individual comments for that law office compared to what pops up for 'wdk peabody'.
This is a statement you will see on a lot of law firms sites as well. But don't be afraid to ask if the person you are having the free consulation with is an actual qualified, experienced lawyer. With smaller, more direct firms such as WDK Law this is more likely. However it is still quite common for a 'free consultation' at some firms to actually just be an unqualified member of staff asking you some routine questions and avoiding providing any actual advice or information about your case.
Make sure you've spoken to the actual lawyer and know you are comfortable with them before thinking of parting with your money. This is less of a concern for case types such as Personal Injury though because you are unlikely to be asked for a cent in lawyers fees upfront or if your case loses.
The firm does have a wide range of help articles on their website. However many of the ones we saw seemed to be aimed at people within the industry rather than clients as they delve quite a bit into specifics of litigation. However there are several case studies which can always be an eye-opener and the fact this attorney takes the time to write so many articles can only be a good sign about the level of expertise and goal of helping others to understand.
A quick note on other navigation as well. The official site for this firm that we link to above is www.wdklawfirm.com and at the time of writing other variants such as www.wdklaw.com link to completely different companies. The firm's site is https secure for submitting your personal information via their contact form. But always try to make sure you're on the correct firm's site and never discuss payment details via email. That's the main way fraudsters have been separating law firm client's from their money.
General Notes: We don't look into any firm's recruitment program so can't comment on job vacancies or about working there. Changes may have occured since this article was written so please visit the firm's www.wdklawfirm.com website for the most up to date opening hours, office address, phone number, email address, and other information.

This WDK Law
article is rated
4.3 / 5 based on 13 reviews. †
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Other Law Firms with Reviews like WDK Law:
» Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC - This firm has the one office address but it's becoming more common on Google these days to have to enter the location of the firm as well as the name in order to get reviews to show up ...
» Cohen & Winters, PLLC - The same for www ...
» Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C - We think some firms take it too far when they start listing their favourite foods and hobbies ...
» J.P. Meyer Business Mediation & Arbitration - But we would not expect someone with a standard whiplash auto accident injury to seek out an experienced mediation specialist /b rather than a personal injury attorney ...
» Campbell & Associates Law Firm, P.C. - However in our poll a couple of years ago ...
» Webb Law Group, APC - Webb ...
» Fontana & Napolitano LLP - The site worked fine on our mobile devices and was HTTPS secure for submitting personal details via the online form ...
» Law Offices of David J. Oliveira, Esq. - Obviously we can't comment as clients because we don't have enough legal troubles ...
» Sullenberger Roskamp PLLC - They have plenty of information on their website about their lawyers and practice areas ...
» The Law Office of Carmen L Durso - News outlets also call for advice /b and comments for the many articles that come out each year relating to abuse cases such as the a href="https ...
» Garton & Vogt, P.C. - Some firms offer testimonials on their website but these are always hand ...
» Principal Law Group, LLP - So this is a perfect example /b of why we constantly bang on about reading the comments rather than flicking through star ratings when comparing firms ...
» Fiol & Morros Law Group - Each practice area is linked to a more detailed page /b that provides additional information about the firm's experience and success in each area ...

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